Women's forum
Welcome to the Poole CLP Women's Forum. We’re a part of the local party and if you’re female and belong to the Labour Party, you’re automatically a member!
Why have a Women’s Forum?
Women’s inclusion and participation in political life is as important as ever. We still have too few women MPs, women still face huge discrimination in society and the interaction between different factors like gender, race, class, sexuality, disability still often goes ignored.
What are we here for?
The Women’s Forum champions the views of women across the constituency. We:
listen to your views and act on your ideas
promote issues you’re interested in
create opportunities for support and empowerment
work to recruit more women into the party
support women in going from member to activist, and from activist to officer/councillor
How do we do it?
The Women’s Forum is a network of women across the CLP. Your Women’s Officer coordinates activities in the CLP, as well as representing you on the Executive Committee. A lot of what we do comes from members - from the ideas you have and contributions you make.
Get involved!
We are always keen to hear from women and hear what you’d like us to do more of. And we’re also keen to know what skills you have and what contribution you’d like to make. Get in touch and get involved!
Contact Helen Duncan-Jordan at women.officer@poolelabour.org.uk